[Typo3-shop] Is anyone has ever link tt_products with a bank gateway ?

Frederic Gueho fgueho at sqli.com
Thu Sep 22 01:05:07 CEST 2005

Thank you for your answer and your help. But as usual, I can't make it work.

Why don't you just give us a simple TYPOSCRIPT example and not just a quick 
answer with one line ?

Where do I put your line ? How does it interact with "file.templateFile = 
fileadmin/template/productsTemplate.tmpl" ?
Is it in the SETUP or in the CONSTANTS ?

I don't have the same understanding of TYPO3 and tt_products as you.
So could you please (just for this time) give us an concrete and working 
example ?

OR just modify these few lines to make it work properly :

plugin.tt_products {
    file.templateFile = fileadmin/template/productsTemplate.tmpl
    PIDitemDisplay = 38
    update_code = admin

plugin.tt_products {
    payment >
    payment {
        radio = 1
        10.title = Credit card
        10.template = 
        10.handleScript = typo3/ext/tt_products/pi/payment_DIBS.php
        10.handleScript {
            relayURL = test.php

Nothing more, I promise :))


"Franz Holzinger" <franz at fholzinger.com> a écrit dans le message de news: 
mailman.1.1127342649.6069.typo3-project-tt-products at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hello
>> plugin.tt_products {
>>     payment >
>>     payment {
>>         radio = 1
>>         10.title = Credit card
>>         10.template =
>> typo3/ext/tt_products/template/payment_DIBS_template.tmpl
> change this to
> 10.templateFile = 
> typo3/ext/tt_products/template/payment_DIBS_template.tmpl
> Franz 

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