[Typo3-shop] CSS styled tt_products template

Nick Weisser typo3 at openstream.ch
Mon Sep 19 15:45:10 CEST 2005

Boris Senker wrote:
> no problem, I have already made a LIST template HTML tagging. It W3C 
> validates fully, and now I have to make a SINGLE and SEARCH.
> After that I will do some CSS styling and... this is where you have to wait 
> a little... I will put it through tt_products to adjust the output and see 
> how it works.
> Give me several days to do it properly, and it is yours ;)

Hi all,

Yesterday I made some changes to the (German) tt_products html template
and I suddenly had the strong desire to make it XHTML and CSS compatible.

Before I start reworking the template, though, I'd like to ask if
somebody else has already started with this venture.

I don't like the idea of reinventing the wheel ;-)
Nick Weisser

Openstream Internet Solutions

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