[Typo3-shop] german template

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Sat Sep 10 00:51:26 CEST 2005

> At the moment tt_products comes with a file products_template_de.tmpl,
> which is a danish template. I think danish templates should be named
> "_dk" since DK is the ISO code for Denmark and "_de" should be used for
> german templates. At the moment it is mixed up.
> Actually a google search for products_template_de first shows a german
> template. Was it overwritten at some time in the past? It would be nice
> if something like this german one could be added to the extension.

This will be renamed in the next version.
At the moment there is the example_template_bill_de.tmpl which is in German.

But the Danish template is always the best, because when I make a
change, I only change the file products_template_dk.tmpl .
products_template_de.tmpl has always been only the Danish template with

Someone on this list has already offered to build a template for CSS.

If someone has built a good German template by himself, it would be
nice, if I could put this into tt_products.


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