[Typo3-shop] Developers... please work together

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Sep 1 18:53:42 CEST 2005

> Good point there Robert. Maybe this appeal should be sent also directly 
> to developers of those abundant shop extensions. Otherwise it might be 
> overlooked in this list.
Some of these new tt_products extensions work together with tt_products. 
This is usefull, because a lot of people do not need so much 
functionality. But there is another tt_products version which is rather 
useless, because it is only an error correction.

I even think that Kasper Skaarhoj should always remain in the Copyright 
notice of the original source code files and not be deleted from there.
And all the main authors should remain listed and not be replaced by 
another name.


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