[TYPO3-ttnews] combine category filtering in CATMENU and LIST

Thorsten Griebenow griebenow at alltagsaesthetisierung.de
Wed Apr 10 06:46:14 CEST 2013

   Hi Georg,

   not quite, I guess. I have a catmenu rendering the subjects to  
themes. This catmenu leads to a list menu where I have to distinguish  
by other categories, e.g of category-groups like A, B, C and i, ii, iii.

   On the list menu I can either only have a selection by themes or by  
the other category groups, but not a first selection by theme and  
further on a filtering by one of the other categories. When I select  
"disable override demand" in the list module I get all news belonging  
to any theme which have one of the categories A, B, C or i, ii. iii.

   In other words, I haven't found out yet how to add (not to  
override) a filtering method.

   I hope I could describe it better now, thanks in advance, regards


   Zitat von Georg Ringer <typo3 at ringerge.org>:
> Hi,
> sorry I didn't really get it. You need a filter by 2 categories, is that
> the thing you need?
> georg
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   Thorsten Griebenow
(web-)design & entwicklung mit TYPO3 + fotografie

Fuhlsbüttler Str. 466
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