[TYPO3-ttnews] Problem with generating images to new marker "preview_image" using itemMarkerArrayFunc

Frank Mey - NEW.EGO mey_mailings at newego.de
Mon May 23 13:06:59 CEST 2011

Hi list,


I am using the itemMarkerArrayFunc – hook in tt_news 3.x to get pictures
from a custom added DB field into the list-view oft t_news.


My userFunc looks like this:


function user_displayPreviewImage( $markerArray, $conf ) {



      $row = $conf ['parentObj']->local_cObj->data; // get the data array of
the current news record



      if ($conf ['parentObj']->config['code'] == 'LIST') {



            if ($row ['tx_nettnewsext_previewimage'] != '') {

                  $img = array ();

                  $img ['file'] = 'uploads/tx_ttnews/' . $row

                  $img ['file.']['format'] = 'jpg';

                  $img ['file.']['quality'] = '75';


                  if (($conf ['code'] = 'LIST3') || ($conf ['code'] =
'LIST2')) { 

                        $img ['file.'] ['width'] = '291c';

                        $img ['file.'] ['height'] = '144c';


                  } else { // Bildausschnitt für C-Teaser

                        $img ['file.'] ['width'] = '186c';

                        $img ['file.'] ['height'] = '106c';



                  $markerArray ['###PREVIEW_IMAGE###'] = $conf
['parentObj']->local_cObj->IMAGE ( $img );


            } else {


                  $markerArray ['###PREVIEW_IMAGE###'] = '';





      return $markerArray;




Sadly, the returned IMG-Tag looks i.e. like this: “<img src="22."
width="291" height="144" border="0" alt="">” .

It seems like the function cImage in the TYPO3 Core, which is called from
->cObj->IMAGE render() function gets the

Right conf[‘file’] data but seems to loose the filename and filepath


How can this path issue be solved ? The DB field only holds the file name
and is correctly configured via the TCA.

Can I pass a output path to the cImage function directly ? 


Thx for info and help J

Frank Mey




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