[TYPO3-ttnews] News seem to produce non-compliant rss-feed
J. Schaller
jorgosch at terra.es
Fri Oct 22 13:13:36 CEST 2010
Hello list,
I'm feeding some tt_news/timtab pages as rss, but the feed validator
at http://validator.w3.org finds a few problems:
1. Invalid HTML: EOF in middle of construct (not sure what that is
2. item should contain a guid element
3. content:encoded should not contain relative URL references
4. Missing atom:link with rel="self"
1. Not sure what that is about, possibly something to do with brackets
being spaced out.
For 2., the help goes on: "It's recommended that you provide the guid,
and if possible make it a permalink. [...]<link> points to the
article, and <guid> is the permalink to the weblog entry". Suggestion:
Format the guid with timtabs permalink (do we have a marker for
type=200 or its spealing URL equivalent?)
3. This seems to be a problem with the Rich Text editor, somehow links
always end up being relative instead of being absolute. Can this be
4. I was surprised about this suggestion for a compatible rss feed,
but to comply I cheated for lack of a marker and added
<atom:link href="###SITE_LINK###blog/rss.xml" rel="self"
type="application/rss+xml" />
in the template. Do we have a marker for type=100 (in my case the
speaking segment?
Thanks in advance!
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