[TYPO3-ttnews] tt_news 3.0 news

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Wed May 27 00:04:19 CEST 2009

 > 2. performance: I made quite a lot of tests comparing the caching
 > performance of TYPO3 4.2 and 4.3dev. result: currently TYPO3 4.3 delivers
 > cached pages significantly slower than 4.2. So I decided to cache the 
 > in a new table: tt_news_cache.

That's really interesting... Do you have more information about the 
tests? I had a lot of hopes for the new framework...

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

Rupert Germann wrote:
> hi Dan,
> Dan Osipov wrote:
>> Great to see so much progress!!
>> Questions: Are all the caching options using 4.3 caching framework?
> no. not yet. there are 2 main reasons why:
> 1. compatibility: the current solution will work in any TYPO3 version.
> 2. performance: I made quite a lot of tests comparing the caching
> performance of TYPO3 4.2 and 4.3dev. result: currently TYPO3 4.3 delivers
> cached pages significantly slower than 4.2. So I decided to cache the stuff
> in a new table: tt_news_cache.
> I did only tests with mysql. If one uses memcached or APC as caching backend
> the situation might be different.
> Another reason for using an own table is of course to have more control over
> the cached data and to use optimized queries.    
>> Are there concrete plans for 3.0 release? It's been in development for
>> quite a while, and it would be great to see a simultaneous TYPO3 4.3 and
>> tt_news 3.0 release...
> that matches my plans.
> greets
> rupert

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