[TYPO3-ttnews] LIST view: link categories

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Mon May 25 09:11:01 CEST 2009


Hauke Hain wrote:
> do someone know why the following TS doesn't create a link?
> plugin.tt_news.displayList.category_stdWrap{
>       wrap =|
>       typolink {
>         parameter = {$listPID}
>         additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[cat]={field:category}
>         additionalParams.insertData = 1
>       }
>     }
> $listPID} contains the PID of the page where the tt_news plugin with the
> LIST view is.

because {field:category} doesn't contain the assigned categories. Please
RTFM, search for "catTextMode".


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