[TYPO3-ttnews] there's something going on

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Sun Mar 23 20:17:18 CET 2008

Hey there,

long time no news ;-) but...
during the last week I found some time to work on tt_news, once again.

I committed the results to a new branch in tt_news SVN
called "tx_ttnews-2.6.0dev". 

The main new thing is a tt_news backend module which replaces the tt_news
categorymanager from Web > Info. It's called "newsadmin".

The newsadmin module shows a category tree and a listview side by side. The
listview ist filtered by selecting categories in the tree. A screen says
more than thousand words, have a look at:

since it extensively uses the new cool backend features from TYPO3 4.2 the
newadmin module shows only in TYPO3 >= version 4.2

My goals for project "tt_news 2.6.0" are:
1. get rid of xajax 
status: done. All category trees in FE and BE are using the TYPO3 ajax
features now.

2. news BE module
status: exists but needs more work

3. tt_news FE performance
status: started
if "debugTimes" is set to TRUE in class.tx_ttnews.php, tt_news displays the
rendering times of almost each method (if the method needs more than 10ms
to run)
one of the biggest performance eaters (besides the archive menu) is the
getItemMarkerArray function which wastes a lost of time for processing not
needed fields in the list and latest views.
solution: I added an internal array which contains a list of fields to
render for each "code" - in the future this array will be configurable, of

greetings & happy easter

PS: I was a little lazy with writing stuff to the changelog in the 2.6.0
branch, plz have a look at the svn commit comments.


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