[TYPO3-ttnews] Why so many slashes? /view////////////article/

Eric Blom ericb at piap.com
Tue Jun 13 04:22:27 CEST 2006


I believe I have a tt_news realURL problem. In the links from my tt_news 
list to the article view I have 11 extra slashes in the URL. This works 
for some browsers but not for others because they think it is a DoS attack.

Example URL:

I've looked over my configuration and can't determine what the problem 
is. Could someone give me some tips?

tt_news 2.2.24
realURL 1.1.0
TYPO3 3.8.0

tt_news setup in tempalte
plugin.tt_news {
     dontUseBackPid = 1
     #useHRDates = 1
     useHRDatesSingle = 1
     templateFile = fileadmin/templates/home_3/tt_news.html

     # This will prevent the default tt_news CSS from being loaded
     # then I can put the tt_news styles in my default CSS.

     displayList {
         date_stdWrap.strftime= %A, %B %e, %Y
         subheader_stdWrap.ifEmpty.field = bodytext
         subheader_stdWrap.crop = 600 |  <i>... [There is more. Click on 
the title above.]</i> | 1
     displaySingle {
         date_stdWrap.strftime= %A, %B %e, %Y
         title_stdWrap.wrap =

   // news articles and searchwords
                                 'article' => array(
                                                 'GETvar' => 
                                                 'lookUpTable' => array(
                                                         'table' => 
                                                         'id_field' => 
=> 'title',
'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',
'useUniqueCache' => 1,
'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(
'strtolower' => 1,
'spaceCharacter' => '-',
                                                 'GETvar' => 


Thank you,

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