[TYPO3-templavoila] Inserting tt_content in TV Framework "feature" with typoscript

Ron Hall ronslists at busynoggin.com
Sat Jul 2 03:10:13 CEST 2011

Hello Chrisine,

If I understand what you want, then it is likely the only way to do it is to use the local processing of the field of the TOs to supply new TypoScript to render the feature field.

You could copy my existing TS in the DS for the feature, add what you want and then put that in the local processing of the TO. You need to put it in each TO that you are using in the site.

Ideally, you would use the preCodeFeature and postCodeFeature to insert the content and create extra wraps to handle styling, but I could imagine situations where you really need it inside the feature in order to have it honor the bleed settings. In that case the approach I described will do it. Those who need sliding content use that approach to use tv_content_slide.

Ron Hall

On Jul 1, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Christine Gerpheide wrote:

> Hi list,
> I at least believe I'm in the right list for this question :)
> I am using the TV Framework, and I would like to insert a page content
> element inside the "feature" section.
> Normally I would do this using a TSObj path, like so:
> lib.somewhere = RECORDS
> lib.somewhere {
>    tables = tt_content
>    source =12
> }
> But I haven't found an existing TSObj path for the "feature" content area,
> or been able to add my own path successfully, thus far.
> Any ideas on how I could achieve this? Ideally I would insert elements
> inside the actual feature section, instead of using preFeatureCode or
> something similar.
> Thanks for any ideas :)
> Christine
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