[TYPO3-templavoila] Some problems with content slide and the use of columns

Elena Bartolotti elena-typo3 at intera.it
Mon Feb 7 17:47:44 CET 2011

Il 07/02/2011 16:16, Marco Malagoli ha scritto:
> Le 07.02.2011 13:21, Elena Bartolotti a écrit :
>> The script I used would work fine for my purpose, but I'd prefer to not
>> use styles.content.getLeft and styles.content.getRight, that are
>> excluded from TV.
>> Additionally when I write my content in the columns left or right, TYPO3
>> move it to the normal column after saving.
>> So I'm searching for another solution.
Thanks, I'll try it

>> I hope to get your precius help again!
>> Elena
> Hi,
> AFAIK your problem for the "styles.content.getRight" and
> "styles.content.getLeft" come from your data structure. You have to set
> the "oldStyleColumnNumber" tag to a different value.
> 0 = Normal
> 1 = Left
> 2 = Right
> 3 = Border
> Kind regards.

<font color="#999999" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font
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