[TYPO3-templavoila] is there a limit/maxitems for sections like the maxitems for content elements

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Oct 22 23:58:19 CEST 2009

Hi Lee,

Lee Perry schrieb:
>> as you can read in the subject, my question is, is there a 
>> limit/maxitems for sections like the maxitems for content elements?
> more information: I'm looking for a limit/maxitems for section elements 
> - that means I have a section in a FCE and wants to limitize the amount 
> of section elements, I can insert into this section.

imho there is no limit, as it's simply an array.

But i see the reason to add a limit. So you should open a Feature 
request in the bugtracker.

vg Steffen

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