[TYPO3-templavoila] HMENU TMENU; mainmenu and submenu in different lib.s
Stepan Papazian
s_papazian at abv.bg
Sat Jun 27 08:44:44 CEST 2009
Thank you van Hemert,
but still does't work. All i see is a thiny line created by the empty div element. I checked the mapping, it is the same as the first level (div INNER) and the first level works fine. I tried to communicate to lib.submenu with TEXT - it worked! But it does not render the sub menu. Here is the code:
lib.mainhmenu = HMENU
lib.mainhmenu.1 = TMENU
lib.mainhmenu.1.wrap = |
lib.mainhmenu.1 {
NO.linkWrap = |
lib.mainhmenu.1.CUR = 1
lib.mainhmenu.1.CUR {
wrapItemAndSub =
lib.submenu = HMENU
lib.submenu.entryLevel = 1
lib.submenu.2 = TMENU
lib.submenu.2.wrap = |
lib.submenu.2 {
NO.linkWrap =
lib.submenu.2.CUR = 1
lib.submenu.2.CUR {
wrapItemAndSub =
Cleared cache, went trough CSS. The HTML of the rendered page is just:
If anyone can help pls do :)
Stepan Papazyan
>-------- Оригинално писмо --------
>От: Jigal van Hemert
>Относно: Re: [TYPO3-templavoila] HMENU TMENU;
mainmenu and submenu in different lib.s
>До: typo3-project-templavoila at lists.netfielders.de
>Изпратено на: Петък, 2009, Юни 26 20:57:10 EEST
>Stepan Papazian wrote:
>> This does not seem to be the right code. If any of you has experience
>> with second level (submenu) is in another lib, please let me know how
>> to solve this issue.
>lib.submenu.entryLevel = 1
>This will let the submenu start at the second level in the rootline.
>Default for entryLevel is 0 (the first level in the rootline).
>Jigal van Hemert.
>TYPO3-project-templavoila mailing list
>TYPO3-project-templavoila at lists.netfielders.de
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