[TYPO3-templavoila] FCE with images and caption

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat Jan 3 16:52:25 CET 2009


i have a problem to get the caption rendered in a FCE
Following structure i have in my FCE (only the image part)

field_pictures	TCEforms:group	type:no_map
field_caption	TCEforms:text	(mapped)

For filed_caption i have this Typoscript:

10 < tt_content.image.20
10 {
	imgList.field = field_pictures
	imgPath = uploads/tx_templavoila/
	maxW = 198
	maxH = 280
	altText.field = field_caption
	altText.split.token.char = 10
	altText.split.returnKey.data = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
	title.field = field_caption
	title.split.token.char = 10
	title.split.returnKey.data = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT							
	caption.1 = TEXT
	caption.1.current = 1
	imageLightbox2 = 1
	imageLightbox2.caption = field_caption
	imageLightbox2.imageset = 0
	imageLightbox2.saveImageShow = 1
	imageLightbox2.printImageShow = 1

	file.imageLightbox2maxW = 640
	file.imageLightbox2maxH = 480

What happens is that the first picture get a caption but with the 
filename, the other pictures are without caption.

What is wrong? I thought that the split is done in userFunc of 
tt_content->IMAGE, any idea?

thx, vg Steffen

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