[TYPO3-templavoila] hiding complicated settings of frontend extensions by using an FCE

Claudius Heitz typo3 at heitz.info
Tue Dec 4 16:25:04 CET 2007


I just tested the data structure and corrected a little thing.
Here is the working version.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
	<meta type="array">
	<ROOT type="array">
		<tx_templavoila type="array">
			<description>Wählen Sie das HTML-Element der Seite, das Sie als 
übergeordnetes Container-Element des Templates möchten.</description>
		<el type="array">
			<field_gallery_path type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<description>don't map this</description>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
					<proc type="array">
						<HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
				<TCEforms type="array">
					<config type="array">
			<field_show_thumbs type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<description>don't map this</description>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
				<TCEforms type="array">
					<config type="array">
						<items type="array">
							<numIndex index="0" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">show</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">1</numIndex>
							<numIndex index="1" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">hide</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">0</numIndex>
			<field_gallery_plugin type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<title>Gallery-Plugin (rgsmoothgallery)</title>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0"></numIndex>

10 = USER
10 {
	userFunc = tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1->main

	# here the value from the field for the image-folder above 
(field_gallery_path) is inserted
     startingpoint.field = field_gallery_path
     startingpoint.wrap = fileadmin/galleries/ |

     # here the value from the field for the thumbnails above 
(field_show_thumbs) is inserted
     showThumbs.field = field_show_thumbs

	# ID of the div-container for the external thumbs - must exist on the 
page and should be provided by the html template of the FCE
     externalThumbs = ext_thumbs

   	thumb = IMG_RESOURCE
   	thumb {
     	file.maxW = 60
	    file.maxH = 60

   	big = IMG_RESOURCE
	big {
     	file.maxW = 300
     	file.maxH = 300

   	lightbox = IMG_RESOURCE
   	lightbox {
     	file.maxW = 800
     	file.maxH = 600

   	pathToMootools = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/scripts/mootools.js
   	pathToJdgalleryJS = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/scripts/jd.gallery1010.js
   	pathToJdgalleryCSS = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/css/jd.gallery.css
   	pathToSlightboxJS = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/scripts/slightbox107.js
   	pathToSlightboxCSS = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/css/slightbox.css
   	pathToJdgallerySetJS = EXT:rgsmoothgallery/res/scripts/jd.gallery.set.js
   	pathToJdgalleryTransitionsJS = 

   	settings = timed:false,showArrows: false,showCarousel: 
   	pid =
   	height = 300
   	width = 300
   	minimumImages = 2
   	noscript = 1
   	enableSaveButton = 0
   	enablePrintButton = 0

   	hideInfoPane = 1
   	thumbOpacity = 1.0
   	slideInfoZoneOpacity =
   	thumbSpacing = 0

   	mode = DIRECTORY
	lightbox = 1
	arrows = 1

Claudius Heitz schrieb:
> Hi,
> in the last days, I experimented a lot with FCEs and I thought, one 
> thing could be interesting as a general concept:
> I wanted to integrate the rgsmoothgallery, a nice frontend-extension, 
> with external thumbnails, and it should be easy for editors to put such 
> a gallery on a page.
> The problem was that the settings for using the rgsmoothgallery in this 
> way are very difficult: one has to insert the ID of a div container in 
> the settings of rgsmoothgallery and this div-container has to exist on 
> the page.
> So the editor had to insert a content element with plain html to bring 
> this div-container on the page - not the thing a normal text editor is 
> meant to do.
> I created an FCE, where the editor can just enter two things:
> - the path to the image folder (input field)
> - whether he wants thumbnails or not (if only one picture is in the 
> folder, thumbnails don't make sense)
> For the path to the image folder, he can enter a relative path to the 
> root folder, where all image folders are in (e.g. fileadmin/galleries/).
> The FCE provides the rest of the settings (div-container for external 
> thumbnails, height / width of images, other standard settings ...).
> FCEs could hide complicated settings of some frontend extensions by 
> offering only the necessary input fields. They can also combine these 
> settings with other information, e.g. adding the page title or something.
> I know that hiding input fields could also be achieved with TSconfig for 
> the backend users, but I think with FCE, it's even more flexible.
> I hope, I didn't bore you.
> See below the data structure for my rgsmoothgallery - integration.
> Note: I had to copy the whole setup.txt (or at least the relevant part 
> for my case) of rgsmoothgallery into my FCE - I don't know why.
> see thread "include setup.txt from extension"
> Greetings
> Claudius

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