[TYPO3-templavoila] Error creating content in adminpanel, bug!?

Linus Cumselius linus_cumselius at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 8 16:38:29 CEST 2006

Hi everybody!

I just tried to create new content from the adminpanel:editing logged in as 
admin and got the error "object couldnt be found". I then checked where the 
link was pointing and noted that the adminpanel "create new content" link 
uses the templavoila "db_new_content_el.php" file instead of the 
"db_new.php" file.
Thats just fine but why arent it creating new content, and why cant it find 
the .php file? I dont use apache normally so i dont know about any 
configuration error causing this and since templavoila works just fine when 
doing anything else i dont see why that would be the problem. So I started 
to wonder if an actual code error or linking error had slipped into the 
adminpanel templavoila patchingcode or something like that!?

I've managed to reproduce the error on a clean installation of Typo3WAMP 4.0 
both with IE and Firefox with templavoila 1.0.1 extension installed of 
course. Its just there and since my ability to actually code php and/or 
conduct changes in typo3 is rather limited (my area of expertise lie 
elsewhere ;) still a newb with typo3, lolz ) I cannot DO anything about 
this. :(

So im asking you guys to help me.

The actual file that cant be found resides at 
The actual error code on the page displayed states:

    "The requested http adress couldnt be found on this server. The link on 
the previous page seems to be faulty of inaccurate. Please inform the author 
of       the page about the error.

      If you believe this to be a serverside error, please inform your 
serverhost provider."


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