[TYPO3-templavoila] Mapping rules in matters of class or id

Frederic Gaus mailinglists at necroshine.de
Thu Apr 6 14:29:39 CEST 2006

Christian Vetter schrieb:
> Apart from that, I can imagine an environment that's more open because  
> there are more people involved - there mapping rules might be even more  
> useful in speeding up the mapping. On the other hand I must admit that I  
> haven't yet had the opportunity to work in a larger environment and to  
> experience the realities of such a situation so that's mostly guesswork.

My personal problem is, that I get html-templates form an external
company. Sometimes, these templates are horrible swollen up with nested
divs. If you keep this structure (and this is the common case) you need
some time to realize which div is the right one to map.

Setting a rule to div:inner is not useful enough in this situation.
Defining it by id, for example div#navigation:inner, would facilitate
mapping a lot. The other benefit would be that you can easiliy remap a
long time later and everyone else could do so, too.

By the way, my oppinion is, that strict mapping rules (as strict as
possible) are a good style of developing in TV. But this is heaviliy
based on my work, tasks and experiences.



Frederic Gaus                                 pgp-key: 93E6903C
fingerprint: 0C55 4517 CC1E 5F7F 9059  3535 AB54 D8E8 93E6 903C

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