[TYPO3-Solr] Solr & CoolURI

Hendrik Kuijs kuijs at hs-furtwangen.de
Thu Apr 6 11:46:38 CEST 2017

Hi all,

we are currently trying to update our Typo3 6.2 installation to Typo3 7.6.

Due to historical reasons we are using CoolURI for our URL-Rewriting.

This is working fine on 6.2 in combination with Version 1.0.38 of CoolURI
and Version 3.0.1 of Solr.

On 7.6 (with CoolURI 1.1.3/Solr 6.0.1) we are not able to index a single


---BO: from devlog---


array (

  'request ID' => '58e60c71532ed',

  'request url' => 'http://enbeta.hs-furtwangen.de/index.php?id=4847&L=0',

  'request headers' => 

  array (

    0 => 'User-Agent: TYPO3/7.6.16',

    1 => 'X-Tx-Solr-Iq:


  'response headers' => NULL,

  'raw response body' => false,



---EO: from devlog---


When accessing this page through a browser, the redirection works as
expected (Note: This server can not be accessed from outside our network.):



When using "curl -vL" on cmd-line, we are getting a 301 and a 200 with the
expected page-content afterwards.

Is there something, we are missing in the solr-configuration or how are
others solving this problem?


Thank you 

and kind regards






Hendrik Kuijs, M. Sc.

Leiter Abteilung Online Services

Hochschule Furtwangen | Furtwangen University

IMZ | Online Services

Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1

78120 Furtwangen

Tel. +49 7723 920 2370

Fax +49 7723 920 2662

E-Mail:  <mailto:kui at hs-furtwangen.de> kui at hs-furtwangen.de

 <http://www.imz.hs-furtwangen.de> www.imz.hs-furtwangen.de


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