[TYPO3-Solr] TYPO3 6.2.17 and latest Solr (Solr 3.1.1, SolrFal 2.1.1 and Tika 2.0.0) : problems after upgrading

Bert Bert
Wed Feb 3 09:44:38 CET 2016


After upgrading (Solr 3.1.1, SolrFal 2.1.1 and Tika 2.0.0 ) and 
reindexing the sire, the Solr search as it was configured before, does 
not work anymore: We're sorry. The request you tried to make could not 
be processed.

The report module says (everything green!):

Apache Solr
Your site has contacted the Apache Solr server.

     Site: La Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (pid: 211, language: 
default) - solr.or.cr:8080/solr/core_es/
     Scheme: http
     Host: solr.or.cr
     Port: 8080
     Path: /solr/core_es/
     Apache Solr: 4.10.4
     Ping Query Time: 11 ms
     schema.xml: tx_solr-3-1-0--20151117
     solrconfig.xml: tx_solr-3-1-0--20151012
     Access Filter Plugin: 1.2.0

Apache Tika
Configuration OK

What could be wrong here? How to debug further?

Thanks in advance!


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