[TYPO3-Solr] Records disappear after a given time

Søren Malling soren.malling at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 14:15:27 CET 2014

Hi Kevin,

When you reindex, the index is cleared and excisting records are cleared.
If you remove any indexed records, and reindex the site, they will not stay
in the index.

Does that help you?



On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Kevin von Spiczak <k.vonspiczak at q4u.de>wrote:

> Hi,
> my problem is, that the solr index gets cleared automatically after a
> given time (2,3 days).
> I can't really reproduce this issue or understand what is going on behind
> the scenes.
> We have a cronjob set up to reindex the page automatically, but from time
> to time the already indexed pages get deleted from the solr records.
> Any information about this?
> Kevin
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