[TYPO3-Solr] Can I use Solr on 6.2? Some questions...

Thomas Skierlo tsk at pix-pro.eu
Thu Jan 23 16:17:50 CET 2014

No day for searches :-)

Installed an tested Tomcat. ok.

installed latest Git version and ran the shell script 'install-solr-existing-tomcat.sh' (only changed Tomcat version to the version I'm currently running). Didn't notice any errors during runtime of script, but parts are too fast to read.

Accessing http://myLocalIp:8080/solr/ gives me an error:

SolrCore 'collection1' is not available due to init failure: Could not load config file /var/lib/tomcat6/solr/collection1

This error seems to be ralated to missing access rights. Probably could be fixed after analysing the script row by row.

Enabling the extension in EM leads to a fatal first (was related to ext_localconf.php, register plugin commands, forgot to write it down). BE crashed.
After clearing all caches (Terminal) and doing it again, the EM part worked.

Install Tool extension checks failed (Remove Solr). Doing this a couple of times, it suddenly shows green. Voodoo? Anyhow, it seems not to be very stable. Reports show green in the Solr section. Depreciation log is flooded (with issues simple to cure), and a click on "Search" in BE ends in another fatal:

Argument 1 passed to ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solr\Domain\Model\ModuleData::setSite() must be an instance of Tx_Solr_Site, null given

I'll probably have to wait for a 6.2 release.

Question is: Does it make sense to report issues in current state?



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