[TYPO3-Solr] Custom table Indexing Problem

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Thu Jan 2 17:03:09 CET 2014


Reviving an old thread because I ran into the same issue.

Changing that code might work for your situation, but it doesn't sound like an 
ideal solution. Reloading the configuration is there for a reason (I think it is 
for loading the right configuration for the every part of the website, or for 
every website inside the same TYPO3 installation).

In my case, the error was triggered when somebody added or modified a page 
inside the Directmail folder. This folder had its own Typoscript configuration, 
but no solr-configuration as it was not supposed to be indexed. If you have a 
solr setup without indexing configuration for pages, like yours seems to be, 
then you'll have page-items added to the index queue for which there is no 

In my case the solution was deleting the items with no 'indexing_configuration' 
from tx_solr_indexqueue_item, and adding this to the directmail TS template 
(probably setting one of those to zero is already sufficient):

plugin.tx_solr {
	enabled = 0	
	index.queue.pages = 0


On 24-07-13 18:07, hard.one Software GmbH - M.P.Hanke wrote:
> Hi
> I figured out, the problem is in class.tx_solr_indexqueue_indexer.php, line 236.
> For some reason, the whole config is killed and reloaded, thereby not loading
> the template fully.
> I changed it from
> $solrConfiguration =
> tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($item->getRootPageUid(), *TRUE*,
> $language);
> to
> $solrConfiguration =
> tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($item->getRootPageUid(), *FALSE*,
> $language);
> and everything is working fine thereafter!
> I tried your suggestion and it also didn't work.
> Best Regards
> Martin
> hard.one Software GmbH
> {
>    Baumgarten 10
>    CH-6415 Arth
>   =========================
>    Fon    +41.41.857.00.90
>   =========================
>    Martin Peter Hanke
>    {
>       Mobil  +41.78.880.93.36
>    }
> }

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