[TYPO3-Solr] Translation handling

Alexander Stehlik alexander.stehlik at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 10:18:24 CET 2014


I have a question about the future translation handling concept of the 
solr Extension. In the current master a lot of translation logic is 
duplicated in the LLL view helper. Is there a reason why for example the 
resolveFullPathLabel() method does not use LanguageService->sL()?

I see that the current API of TYPO3 is not very flexible. Both 
translation handlers (AbstractPlugin->pi_getLL() and the 
LocalizationUtility of Extbase) depend on the locallang.xml file.

What I would suggest is:

1. Introduce a LanguageService class to have a central way for getting 
translations. This service uses the features of the TYPO3 
LanguageService and implements an overlay for the _LOCAL_LANG TypoScript 
2. Refactor LLL view helper to use the new LanguageService
3. Override pi_getLL in PluginBase to use the new LanguageService

If you think this is a good approach I will develop a patch and push it 
to Gerrit. Other ideas are very welcome :)

The reason why is bring this up is that in the current master some 
translations are missing (basically all that are retrieved by pi_getLL 
in the plugin code). The reason is quite obvious: the translations are 
inside language files that are named like the plugin, but the labels for 
pi_getLL are only read from locallang.xml.


Alexander Stehlik
alexander.stehlik at gmail.com

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