[TYPO3-Solr] Hook Tx_Solr_ResultSetModifier and solrgroup

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Mon Dec 1 15:52:28 CET 2014


Without the solrgroup extension (using the fake-TYPO3-side grouping) the 
result set modifier hook could just add extra records (from an extra 
solr query) to the existing result set and they were just added in the 
With the group extension installed it seems that this method causes 
records in the original group to be overridden even though they are 
added at the end.

Does the grouping add some information to the result set that needs to 
be adjusted before you can add records? Is there any documentation about 
which information is added?

Thanks for any pointers!

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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