[TYPO3-Solr] Custom Index on tt_content is not refreshe automatically

Holger hbirkner at gv-bayern.de
Mon Oct 14 14:55:42 CEST 2013

Ok, I fully understand your point of view.
But why is there the functionality of creating custom indexes on tables, if I still need pages for the reindexing, if I wanted to index pages, I'd do that? Does tt_content not have all the necessary information?

And how is this solved in tt_news or in forum extensions?

Since the indexing works when I create the index. I think I have to find a way to tell solr when something has to be updated or deleted from the index table.

Does anyone think, creating a trigger on tt_content table that updates tx_solr_indexqueue_item table is a good idea?
If not, does anyone have a good idea for me? Any help is really apreciated.


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