[TYPO3-Solr] Custom Index on tt_content is not refreshe automatically

Holger hbirkner at gv-bayern.de
Tue Nov 5 14:53:08 CET 2013

Hi there I chaged the code of class.tx_solr_indexqueue_recordmonitor.php

*  Copyright notice
*  (c) 2009-2012 Ingo Renner <ingo (at) typo3.org>
*  All rights reserved
*  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
*  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  The GNU General Public License can be found at
*  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
*  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

 * A class that monitors changes to records so that the changed record gets
 * passed to the index queue to update the according index document.
 * @author	Ingo Renner <ingo (at) typo3.org>
 * @package	TYPO3
 * @subpackage	solr
class tx_solr_indexqueue_RecordMonitor {

	 * Solr TypoScript configuration
	 * TODO check whether we need this or whether it's better to retrieve each time as in getMonitoredTables()
	 * @var array
	protected $solrConfiguration;

	 * Index Queue
	 * @var tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue
	protected $indexQueue;

	 * Constructor
	public function __construct() {
		$this->indexQueue = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue');

	 * Hooks into TCE main and tracks record deletion commands.
	 * @param	string	The command.
	 * @param	string	The table the record belongs to
	 * @param	integer	The record's uid
	 * @param	string
	 * @param	t3lib_TCEmain	TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
	public function processCmdmap_preProcess($command, $table, $uid, $value, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
	if ($command == 'delete' && $table == 'tt_content' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) {
			// skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace
			// hier ein Schalter, der tt_content als normale Tabelle behandeln soll?
			$this->indexQueue->deleteItem('tt_content', $uid);// aenderung Holger
//			$this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid));// aenderung Holger

	 * Hooks into TCE main and tracks workspace publish/swap events and
	 * page move commands in LIVE workspace.
	 * @param	string	The command.
	 * @param	string	The table the record belongs to
	 * @param	integer	The record's uid
	 * @param	string
	 * @param	t3lib_TCEmain	TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
	public function processCmdmap_postProcess($command, $table, $uid, $value, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog($command.'->'.$table.'->'.$uid, 'solr', 2);
		if (tx_solr_Util::isDraftRecord($table, $uid)) {
				// skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace

			// track publish / swap events for records (workspace support)
			// command "version"
		if ($command == 'version' && $value['action'] == 'swap') {
			switch ($table) {
				case 'tt_content':// aenderung Holger
					// hier ein Schalter, der tt_content als normale Tabelle behandeln soll?
					$uid   = $uid; // $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid);// aenderung Holger
					$table = 'tt_content';// aenderung Holger
				case 'pages':
					$this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($uid);
					$record                  = $this->getRecord($table, $uid);

					if (!empty($record) && $this->isEnabledRecord($table, $record)) {

						$this->indexQueue->updateItem($table, $uid);
					} else {
							// TODO should be moved to garbage collector
						if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($table, $uid)) {
							$this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($table, $uid);
					$recordPageId            = $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid);
					$this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($recordPageId);
					$monitoredTables         = $this->getMonitoredTables($recordPageId);

					if (in_array($table, $monitoredTables)) {
						$record = $this->getRecord($table, $uid);

						if (!empty($record) && $this->isEnabledRecord($table, $record)) {
							if ($this->isLocalizedRecord($table, $record)) {
									// if it's a localization overlay, update the original record instead
								$uid = $record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']];

							$this->indexQueue->updateItem($table, $uid);
						} else {
								// TODO should be moved to garbage collector
							if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($table, $uid)) {
								$this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($table, $uid);


		if ($command == 'move' && $table == 'pages' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) {
				// moving pages in LIVE workspace
			$this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($uid);
			$record = $this->getRecord('pages', $uid);
			if (!empty($record)) {
				$this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $uid);
			} else {
				// check if the item should be removed from the index because it no longer matches the conditions
				if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem('pages', $uid)) {
					$this->removeFromIndexAndQueue('pages', $uid);

	 * Hooks into TCE Main and watches all record creations and updates. If it
	 * detects that the new/updated record belongs to a table configured for
	 * indexing through Solr, we add the record to the index queue.
	 * @param	string	Status of the current operation, 'new' or 'update'
	 * @param	string	The table the record belongs to
	 * @param	mixed	The record's uid, [integer] or [string] (like 'NEW...')
	 * @param	array	The record's data
	 * @param	t3lib_TCEmain	TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
	 * @return	void
	public function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations($status, $table, $uid, array $fields, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
		$recordTable  = $table;
		$recordUid    = $uid;
		$recordPageId = 0;
		//t3lib_div::devLog($status.'->'.$table.'->'.$uid, 'solr', 2);
		if ($status == 'new') {
			$recordUid = $tceMain->substNEWwithIDs[$recordUid];

		if (tx_solr_Util::isDraftRecord($table, $recordUid)) {
				// skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace

		if ($status == 'update' && !isset($fields['pid'])) {
			$recordPageId = $tceMain->getPID($recordTable, $recordUid);
		} else {
			$recordPageId = $fields['pid'];

			// when a content element changes we need to updated the page instead
		if ($recordTable == 'tt_content') {
			$recordTable = 'tt_content';// aenderung Holger
			$recordUid   = $recordUid;// aenderung Holger

		$this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($recordPageId);
		$monitoredTables = $this->getMonitoredTables($recordPageId);

		if (in_array($recordTable, $monitoredTables, TRUE)) {
			$record = $this->getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid);

			if (!empty($record)) {
					// only update/insert the item if we actually found a record

				if ($this->isLocalizedRecord($recordTable, $record)) {
						// if it's a localization overlay, update the original record instead
					$recordUid = $record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$recordTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']];

					if ($recordTable == 'pages_language_overlay') {
						$recordTable = 'pages';

				$this->indexQueue->updateItem($recordTable, $recordUid);

				if ($recordTable == 'pages') {
			} else {
				// TODO move this part to the garbage collector

					// check if the item should be removed from the index because it no longer matches the conditions
				if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($recordTable, $recordUid)) {
					$this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid);

	 * Removes record from the index queue and from the solr index
	 * @param string $recordTable Name of table where the record lives
	 * @param int $recordUid Id of record
	protected function removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog('removeFromIndexAndQueue->'.$recordTable.'->'.$recordUid, 'solr', 2);
		$garbageCollector = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_GarbageCollector');
		$garbageCollector->collectGarbage($recordTable, $recordUid);

	 * Retrieves a record, taking into account the additionalWhereClauses of the
	 * Indexing Queue configurations.
	 * @param string $recordTable Table to read from
	 * @param int $recordUid Id of the record
	 * @return array Record if found, otherwise empty array
	protected function getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog('getRecord->'.$recordTable.'->'.$recordUid, 'solr', 2);
		$record = array();

		$indexingConfigurations = $this->indexQueue->getTableIndexingConfigurations($this->solrConfiguration);

		foreach ($indexingConfigurations as $indexingConfigurationName) {
			$tableToIndex = $indexingConfigurationName;
			if (!empty($this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'])) {
					// table has been set explicitly. Allows to index the same table with different configurations
				$tableToIndex = $this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'];

			if ($tableToIndex === $recordTable) {
				$recordWhereClause = $this->buildUserWhereClause($indexingConfigurationName);
				$record = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid, '*', $recordWhereClause);

				if (!empty($record)) {
						// if we found a record which matches the conditions, we can continue

		return $record;

	 * Build additional where clause from index queue configuration
	 * @param string $indexingConfigurationName Indexing configuration name
	 * @return string Optional extra where clause
	protected function buildUserWhereClause($indexingConfigurationName){
	//t3lib_div::devLog('buildUserWhereClause->'.$indexingConfigurationName, 'solr', 2);
		$condition = '';

			// FIXME replace this with the mechanism described in tx_solr_indexqueue_initializer_Abstract::buildUserWhereClause()
		if (isset($this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['additionalWhereClause'])) {
			$condition = ' AND ' . $this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['additionalWhereClause'];

		return $condition;

	 * Gets an array of tables configured for indexing by the Index Queue. The
	 * record monitor must watch these tables for manipulation.
	 * @param	integer	The page id for which we need to retrieve the configuration for
	 * @return	array	Array of table names to be watched by the record monitor.
	protected function getMonitoredTables($pageId) {
		//t3lib_div::devLog('getMonitoredTables'.$pageId, 'solr', 2);
		$monitoredTables = array();

			// FIXME!! $pageId might be outside of a site root and thus might not know about solr configuration
			// -> leads to record not being queued for reindexing
		$solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($pageId);
		$indexingConfigurations = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue')

		foreach ($indexingConfigurations as $indexingConfigurationName) {
			$monitoredTable = $indexingConfigurationName;

			if (!empty($solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'])) {
					// table has been set explicitly. Allows to index the same table with different configurations
				$monitoredTable = $solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'];

			$monitoredTables[] = $monitoredTable;
			if ($monitoredTable == 'pages') {
					// when monitoring pages, also monitor creation of translations
				$monitoredTables[] = 'pages_language_overlay';
		return array_unique($monitoredTables);

	// Mount Page Handling

	 * Handles updates of the Index Queue in case a newly created or changed
	 * page is part of a tree that is mounted into a another site.
	 * @param integer $pageId Page Id (uid).
	protected function updateMountPages($pageId) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog('updateMountPages->'.$pageId, 'solr', 9);

			// get the root line of the page, every parent page could be a Mount Page source
		$pageSelect = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_pageSelect');
		$rootLine   = $pageSelect->getRootLine($pageId);

			// remove the current page / newly created page

		$destinationMountProperties = $this->getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine($rootLine);

		if (!empty($destinationMountProperties)) {
			foreach ($destinationMountProperties as $destinationMount) {
				$this->addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue($pageId, $destinationMount);

	 * Finds Mount Pages that mount pages in a given root line.
	 * @param array $rootLine Root line of pages to check for usage as mount source
	 * @return array Array of pages found to be mounting pages from the root line.
	protected function getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine(array $rootLine) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog('getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine->'.$rootLine, 'solr', 10);
		$mountPages = array();
		$pageIds    = array();

		if (!empty($rootLine)) {
			foreach ($rootLine as $pageRecord) {
				$pageIds[] = $pageRecord['uid'];

				if ($pageRecord['is_siteroot']) {

			$mountPages = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
				'uid, uid AS mountPageDestination, mount_pid AS mountPageSource, mount_pid_ol AS mountPageOverlayed',
				'doktype = 7 AND mount_pid IN(' . implode(',', $pageIds) . ')'
					. t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('pages')

		return $mountPages;

	 * Adds a page to the Index Queue of a site mounting the page.
	 * @param integer $mountedPageId ID (uid) of the mounted page.
	 * @param array $mountProperties Array of mount point properties mountPageSource, mountPageDestination, and mountPageOverlayed
	protected function addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue($mountedPageId, array $mountProperties) {
	//t3lib_div::devLog('addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue->'.mountedPageId, 'solr', 2);
		$mountingSite = tx_solr_Site::getSiteByPageId($mountProperties['mountPageDestination']);

		$pageInitializer = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_initializer_Page');

		$pageInitializer->initializeMountedPage($mountProperties, $mountedPageId);

	 * Checks whether a record is a localization overlay.
	 * @param string $table The record's table name
	 * @param array $record The record to check
	 * @return boolean TRUE if the record is a language overlay, FALSE otherwise
	protected function isLocalizedRecord($table, array $record) {
		//t3lib_div::devLog('isLocalizedRecord', 'solr', 2);
		$isLocalizedRecord = FALSE;
		$translationOriginalPointerField = '';

		if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'])) {
			$translationOriginalPointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];

			if ($record[$translationOriginalPointerField] > 0) {
				$isLocalizedRecord = TRUE;

		return $isLocalizedRecord;

	 * Checks if a record is "enabled"
	 * A record is considered "enabeled" if
	 *  - it is not hidden
	 *  - it is not deleted
	 *  - as a page it is not set to be excluded from search
	 * @param string $table The record's table name
	 * @param array $record The record to check
	 * @return boolean TRUE if the record is enabled, FALSE otherwise
	protected function isEnabledRecord($table, $record) {
		//t3lib_div::devLog('isEnabledRecord', 'solr', 2);
		$recordEnabled = TRUE;

		if (
			(isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']) && !empty($record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']]))
			(isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['delete']) && !empty($record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['delete']]))
			($table == 'pages' && !empty($record['no_search']))
		) {
			$recordEnabled = FALSE;

		return $recordEnabled;


if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/solr/classes/indexqueue/class.tx_solr_indexqueue_recordmonitor.php'])	{


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