[TYPO3-Solr] Save uids from SOLR_RELATION

Stefan Kruse besucher80 at gmx.de
Fri Jul 26 06:50:15 CEST 2013



I have an object with a mm relation to subcategory. Now I want to index the
object. But I need the uids from the assigned subcategories. IS this




subcategory_stringM = SOLR_RELATION

subcategory_stringM {

                               localField = subcategory

                               multiValue = 1



Solr-Result looks like:

<arr name="subcategory_stringM">

<str>Bahn-Spedition, LKW-Spedition, Seefracht-Spedition</str>



Only the names are indexed. But in my case I need the uids from the
subcategories, to search for.


I would need a result like:

<arr name="subcategory_stringM">

<str>6, 3, 7</str>



Is this makeable?


Regards and thanks Stefan

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