[TYPO3-Solr] Failed to establish Solr connection

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Mon Dec 16 21:16:34 CET 2013


On 16-12-2013 15:23, Cristian Patrichi wrote:
> I just installed a SOLR on Tomcat6 following this tutorial:
> jbcrawford.net / archives / 384 / comment-page-1#comment-11716

I prefer to install solr and tomcat together with the scripts in 
EXT:solr/resources/shell/ but you can install it anyway you want, if you 
make sure the necessary configuration for use with TYPO3 is made. As 
this is all done with these scripts, you are sure that everything is as 
it should be.

> Solr is working on coca.cola:8080/solr/
> I also created a "core0" from this admin panel.
> In URL if I wrote coca . cola : 8080 /solr/core0/  I get HTTP Status 404
> - /solr/core0/ , but if I make a : coca.cola:8080 / solr /
> core0/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true  it works.

/solr/core0/ should give a 404, that is normal.

> I also installed the solr extension from repository on Typo3 6.1 but in
> reports module I get this error:
> Apache SolrYour site was unable to contact the Apache Solr server.
> Site: Welcome to TYPO3 (pid: 1, language: default) -
> coca.cola:8080/solr/core0/
> Scheme: http
> Host: // coca.cola
> Port: 8080
> Path: /solr/core0/

In the clear cache menu (the lightning bolt in the top bar) there is an 
item "Intialize Solr connections". This should be used first.
After that the Reports module should tell you that the connection was made.

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If you include images in your forum posts they will end up like above in 
the newsgroups. It's also a huge post that will be sent to everybody who 
subscribes to mailing lists.
The best way is to store your image somewhere on a website that provides 
such a service and include a link in your post.
(You couldn't know this and the forum still offers the possibility to 
include images)

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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