[TYPO3-Solr] [Typo3-Solr] deleteItem Problem

Hans Höchtl hans.hoechtl at typovision.de
Tue Dec 3 15:53:01 CET 2013

Hi Holger,

the deleteItem method is just for removing an item from the indexQueue
table so that it doesn't get indexed anymore. This is not supposed to
interact with the Solr index.

If you want to remove the item from the index, you need to call the

$garbageCollector = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Solr_GarbageCollector');
 $garbageCollector->collectGarbage($recordTable, $recordUid);

This will do the deleteItem from IndexQueue internally after removing the
item from the Solr index.

Best regards,

2013/12/3 Holger <hbirkner at gv-bayern.de>

> Hallo
> I am using class.tx_solr_indexqueue_queue.php in my extension. When I
> call updateItem, it just works as expected and adds Items to the
> indexQueue. And the new Item is indexed during the next run of the queue
> worker.
> But when I call deleteItem, the Item is deleted in the indexQueue table,
> but it stays in the solr index.
> I think there is something missing like
> http://localhost:8983/solr/update?stream.body=<delete><
> query>id:298253</query></delete>&commit=true
> Am I doing something wrong or do I have to call another method or do I
> have to wait longer?
> Thanks
> Holger
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