[TYPO3-Solr] The page for the given page ID 'xxx' is not marked as root page and can therefore not be used as site root page.

Ingo Pfennigstorf i.pfennigstorf at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 16:17:02 CEST 2012


I just solved this, there was a missing "rootline" field definition in 
my general_fields_schema.xml.
I added the field, and everything now works as expected.

Have a nice day


On 10.09.2012 10:24, Ingo Renner wrote:
> Am 04.09.12 11:50, schrieb Ingo Pfennigstorf:
> Hi Ingo,
>> But I do have the error
> can you please provide more details like the tree structure or the log
> records?
> Ingo

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