[TYPO3-Solr] How to index only certain news category

Hendrik Nadler nadler at simplethings.de
Tue Oct 9 10:34:40 CEST 2012

>> "but how can I access the needed mm-Table for the categories?"

a subselect should work:

addtionalWhereClause = tt_news.deleted=0 AND tt_news.hidden=0 AND tt_news.uid IN (SELECT mm.uid_local FROM tt_news_cat_mm mm WHERE mm.uid_foreign IN(11,12,13,14))

11,12,13,14 is a list of tt_news_cat UIDs

Regards, Hendrik 

Hi List,

in the wiki [1] is a note about a usecase where someone needs to index tt_news items of a certain category. How should I filter for a certain category in this example?
I guess I should use addtionalWhereClause, but how can I access the needed mm-Table for the categories?

Thanks for your help!

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