[TYPO3-Solr] Installation

Xaver Maierhofer xaver.maierhofer at xwissen.info
Tue Nov 13 11:53:47 CET 2012


I missed the session on TYPO3 camp in Munich. But I want to setup a solr 
search and tried a lot of things, but nothing was working.
(Notice: I'm no tomcat fan)

Tested on/with:

2x Debian 64 bit squeeze

Installation scripts (tried):
- debian without tomcat (stable - preferred)
- with tomcat (stable/git)
- multisetup (not needed on first site) (stable)

Primary Sun, but I would prefer OpenJDK more (It isn't recommended)

Port 8080 is free (I moved something else).
I removed the line for tests.

TYPO3 instance on same server
TS is included.

Setup line:
./script english german italian #(once without italian)

My best result was with "with tomcat - git" includes solr 3.6, Sun Java and I 
got one language and interface from solr is available in Browser.
TYPO3 happens nothing on Connection (Over Menu-tree I get a green box with 
"Solr Connections initialized"). Solr Report says no connection.

My question: Any good working tutorial? I tried everything on forge site.
(I think i missed only a small tiny peace, but for days...)

Perfect setup wish ;)
Port 8888 or something like that (is in XML and TS)
Multilingual (english german italian and moore for future)
Multisites in future
Usage of Debian Packages!

THX for the help!

All the best

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