[TYPO3-Solr] Naming different facets indexed from the same table

Robin foerster at sunbeam-berlin.de
Wed May 23 12:18:52 CEST 2012

I came across this post and had the same problem.

Here's a setup that works for me:

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {

# add new field to pages
   pages.fields {
     altType_stringS = TEXT
     altType_stringS.value = Seiten

   News = 1
   News {
     table = tt_news
     additionalWhereClause = pid = 159

     fields {

     url = TEXT
     url {
       typolink.parameter = 157
       typolink.additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={field:uid}
       typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
       typolink.returnLast = url
       typolink.useCacheHash = 1

# add new field to News
     altType_stringS = TEXT
     altType_stringS.value = News


# overwrite specific setup for Referenzen
   Referenzen = 1
   Referenzen < .News
   Referenzen {
     additionalWhereClause = pid = 170
         fields {
              title = tx_sbreference_name
              description = tx_sbreference_shortdescription
              url.typolink.parameter = 182
	# alter value for the other news type
          altType_stringS.value = Referenzen


  plugin.tx_solr.search.faceting.facets {

# clear type facet
     type >

# enable new field as facet
    altType_stringS {
       field = altType_stringS
       label = Inhaltsarten



Am 14.05.2012 14:13, schrieb Rens Admiraal:
> K, thanks a lot :) Gonna have a look
> Op 14-05-12 13:23, Ingo Renner schreef:
>> Am 14.05.12 12:05, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
>> Hi Rens, hi Jigal,
>>> Perhaps the easiest solution is to use an extra dynamic field which you
>>> fill in the various index.queue definitions with a value of your choice.
>>> This way you can have different values for news from tt_news and agenda
>>> from tt_news.
>> +1, that's the way
>> Ingo

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