[TYPO3-Solr] Index only one language in multilingual TYPO3-System

raka raka86 at gmx.de
Wed May 2 13:27:42 CEST 2012


yes, I know this option. But in the pages table there is no language 
field I could work on as the uid of a page remains the same for 
different languages.

My problem is that when I index e.g. only the page with uid=2 then this 
page will be indexed for every language ("L parameter"/sys_language_uid) 
I have. So I will get search records for every language for this page. 
But I only want to have one search record for this page and I want to 
choose the language this search record should have.

What I want is something like the multicore setup described here:
but I only want to have one core for one language and the remaining 
languages should be discarded.

I don't get it how to solve this with the additionalWhereClause.

Am 02.05.2012 12:03, schrieb Stefan Sprenger:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> you can use the TypoScript configuration option
> plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.pages.additionalWhereClause to modify the
> set of index items:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-solr/wiki/Tx_solrindex#queueindexingConfigurationadditionalWhereClause
> Best regards
> Stefan
> Am 02.05.12 11:57, schrieb raka:
>> Hi,
>> is there any possibility to index only one specific or chosen
>> languages in a multilingual TYPO3-System?
>> Thanks in advance
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