[TYPO3-Solr] Using "less than", "greater than" filters with facets

Søren Malling soren.malling at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 13:48:19 CEST 2012


Once again totally amazed by the SOLR implementation!

I'm trying out some "facets fun" and created my own type, listed on the 
search page in minutes! Sweet stuff!

Now, I was wondering how I can use these facets more dynamic.

In the example I'm indexing a bunch of products which of course have a 
price (this could be a course with a max number participiants for 
reference). I have indexed my price with a SOLR_RELATION like this

             price_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
             price_stringM {
             	localField = prices
             	multiValue = 1

one product can have multiple prices, there for a SOLR_RELATION

My facet is defined like this

	price {
		label = Maximum price
		field = price_stringM

and shows my indexed prices. One of the prices is "180.00". When 
clicking that I add a filter to the query, but I also products where the 
price is "225.00".

Is it in some way possible to expand the filter through TypoScript or 
the syntax query so I my request to the SOLR server would be like this 
(in human readable language)

Clicking "180.00" would make a request like this -> "Return all items 
where the indexed price field is {max,min,exact} the value 180.00"

FYI, I'm running latest TER version

Thanks a ton and have a nice weekend!



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