[TYPO3-Solr] Unknown characters "amp;" in query

Kevin Thalmann kevin.thalmann at ongoing.ch
Thu Jul 12 16:13:38 CEST 2012

Hello there,

I am using hierarchical faceting like it's shown in the wiki:


I have copied the configuration from that example.
My problem is that the link url's of the facet values have strange characters between the parameters and therefore filtering does not work.

for instance:

If I remove "amp;" from the url, its fine, filter is applied.

Do you have any idea where it comes from? Thanks for helping


Kevin Thalmann

Here is my config:

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {

    pages {
        fields {
                // using a dynamic field of type string. The M defines the field as multi-valued
            pageHierarchy_stringM = TEXT
            pageHierarchy_stringM {
                    // this builds the original page path / hierarchy 
                value = {leveltitle:1}/{leveltitle:2}/{leveltitle:3}/
                insertData = 1

    tt_news = 1
    tt_news {
        fields {
            abstract = short
            author = author
            description = short
            title = title

            content = SOLR_CONTENT
            content {
                field = bodytext

            category_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
            category_stringM {
                localField = category
                multiValue = 1

            keywords = SOLR_MULTIVALUE
            keywords {
                field = keywords

            url = TEXT
            url {
                typolink.parameter = {$NEWS.SINGLEPAGE}
                typolink.additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={field:uid}&L={field:__solr_index_language}
                typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
                typolink.returnLast = url
                typolink.useCacheHash = 1

            sortAuthor_stringS = author
            sortTitle_stringS  = title

        attachments {
            fields = news_files

plugin.tx_solr.index {
    fieldProcessingInstructions {
            // tells the indexer that the field named "pageHierarchy_stringM" should be processed with the "pathToHierarchy" function. 
        pageHierarchy_stringM = pathToHierarchy

# Übersetzung der Gruppierung 
plugin.tx_solr {
    search {
        faceting {
            # Gruppierung entfernen Link Beschriftung
            removeFacetLinkText = @facetText (entfernen)
            facets {
                type {
                    label = Suchfilter
                    renderingInstruction = CASE
                    renderingInstruction {
                        key.field = optionValue
                        pages = TEXT
                        pages.value = Pages
                        pages.lang.de = Seiten

                        tt_news = TEXT
                        tt_news.value = Blog
                        tt_news.lang.de = Blog

                pageHierarchy {
                    field = pageHierarchy_stringM
                    label = Seitenbaum

                        // define the facet's type to be a hierarchy
                    type = hierarchy

                        // the hierarchy facet type is configured using TYPO3's HMENU content object
                    hierarchy = HMENU
                    hierarchy {
                        1 = TMENU
                        1 {
                            NO = 1
                            NO {
                                wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>

                        2 < .1
                        2.wrap = <ul>|</ul>

                        3 < .2

ongoing GmbH
Alte Steinhauserstrasse 10
6330 Cham

Telefon: 041 783 12 70
E-Mail: kevin.thalmann at ongoing.ch
Web: http://www.ongoing.ch

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