[TYPO3-Solr] Index Queue Worker: error when started automatically in scheduler, no error when started manually

Andreas Brunn brunn at archaeomedia.de
Tue Feb 28 17:53:14 CET 2012


I just upgraded from tx_solr 1.3 to 2.0 from TER.

SOLR search is working in general after I set up the SOLR server 3.5 and 
did all the necessary configuration. Pages and news get indexed when I 
run the Index Queue Worker task manually and searching in the frontend 
is working.

The problem is that the Index Queue Worker task in scheduler seems to 
run without errors ONLY when I start it manually. Everytime when started 
automatically via cron it indicates the following error and indexing 
does not proceed any further:

"Ausführung fehlgeschlagen: 1311080805, Could not create a valid URL to 
get frontend data while trying to index a page. Created URL: 

The URL looks perfectly valid to me and when I access that URL via 
browser the correct page is shown with HTTP status 200 OK.
The page id mentioned in the error message is not always the same, so it 
should not be a problem with a specific page.

Could some point me to the right direction how I can fix that?

Here is some information from dev log that may give a hint to the source 
of the problem:

*indexQueueUid 	127958
*rootPageUid 	40
*type 	pages
*indexingConfigurationName 	pages
*changed 	1302897750
*indexingProperties 	EMPTY!
*indexingPropertiesLoaded 	1
*recordUid 	1932

constructed URL 	http://www.archaeologie-online.de/index.php?id=1932&L=0
scheme 	http
host 	www.archaeologie-online.de
path 	/
page ID 	1932
indexer options 	EMPTY!


indexingProperties and indexer options are empty. Could that cause the 
If so, how would I set indexing properties and indexer options correctly 
(current TS setup see below)?

As mentioned above this error occurs only when Index Queue Worker task 
is started automatically by the scheduler. Other scheduler tasks don't 
show any errors when run automatically.

The "Apache SOLR (solr)" template is included in website's root page 
(that has "root page" enabled and a correct domain record). Custom 
Typoscript is set up as follows:

plugin.tx_solr {
   enabled = 1
   enableDebugMode = 1
   useCurlHttpTransport = 0
plugin.tx_solr.solr {
   host = localhost
   port = 1050
   path = /solr/core_de/
   scheme = http

plugin.tx_solr.index {
   files = 1 # enable file indexing
   files.allowedTypes = doc, docx, pdf
   fieldProcessingInstructions {
     changed = timestampToIsoDate
     created = timestampToIsoDate
     endtime = timestampToIsoDate

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {
   tt_news = 1
   tt_news {
     fields {
       abstract = short
       author = author
       description = short
       title = title
       content = SOLR_CONTENT
       content {
         field = bodytext
         ifEmpty.cObject = TEXT
         ifEmpty.cObject {
           field = short
       category_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
       category_stringM {
         localField = category
         multiValue = 1
       keywords = SOLR_MULTIVALUE
       keywords {
         field = keywords
       url = TEXT
       url {
         typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
         typolink.additionalParams = 
         typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
         typolink.returnLast = url
         typolink.useCacheHash = 1
       sortAuthor_stringS = author
       sortTitle_stringS  = title
     attachments {
       fields = news_files
     additionalWhereClause = type = 0

plugin.tx_solr.search {
   query.allowEmptyQuery = 1
   targetPage = 50
   results {
     resultsHighlighting = 1
     siteHighlighting = 1
     showDocumentScoreAnalysis = 1
     markResultTypeBoundaries = 1
   spellchecking = 1
   lastSearches = 1
   frequentSearches = 1
   sorting = 1
   sorting {
     defaultOrder = asc
     options {
       relevance {
         field = relevance
         label = Relevanz

       title {
         field = sortTitle_stringS
         label = Titel

       type {
         field = type
         label = Typ

       author {
         field = sortAuthor_stringS
         label = Autor

       created {
         field = created
         label = Datum
   faceting = 1
   faceting {
     # Gruppierung entfernen Link Beschriftung
     removeFacetLinkText = @facetText (entfernen)
     facets {
         type {
           label = Filtertyp
           renderingInstruction = CASE
           renderingInstruction {
             key.field = optionValue
             pages = TEXT
             pages.value = Pages
             pages.lang.de = Seiten
             tt_news = TEXT
             tt_news.value = News
             tt_news.lang.de = Nachrichten

plugin.tx_solr.statistics = 1

plugin.tx_solr.suggest = 1

plugin.tx_solr.logging {
   exceptions = 1
   indexing {
     indexQueueInitialization = 1
     missingTypo3SearchMarkers = 1
     pageIndexed = 1
     queue {
       pages = 1
       tt_news = 1
   query {
     filters = 1
     searchWords = 1
     queryString = 1
     rawPost = 1
     rawGet = 1

plugin.tx_solr.templateFiles {
   search = fileadmin/templates/solr/search.htm
   results = fileadmin/templates/solr/results.htm
   pagebrowser = fileadmin/templates/solr/pagebrowser.htm

plugin.tx_solr.cssFiles {
   results     = fileadmin/templates/solr/results.css
   suggest     = fileadmin/templates/solr/jquery-ui.custom.css


Some further configuration information:
Apache/2.2.21 on Linux
Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
Apache SOLR 3.5
Java VM 1.6.0_06-b02
PHP 5.3.10
TYPO3 4.5.10

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long post - I tried 
to provide all information that seemed to be useful for tracking down 
the problem.


Andreas Brunn
brunn at archaeomedia.de

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