[TYPO3-Solr] Nutch content not in Typo3 but in solr core

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Thu Dec 27 05:53:59 CET 2012

Am 17.12.12 23:50, schrieb Daniel Hüsch:

Hi Daniel,

> But now i can't see where the problem is. The API key and the nutch
> configs are the same.

EXT:solr 2.8 introduced start/stop time support, to do that it's now 
adding an endtime field for each document, then when searching there's a 
filter on that field.

I suspect the endtime field is missing in documents coming fromm Nutch 
and thus they do not match the filter.

So either (temporarily) disable the endtime filter 
(plugin.tx_solr.search.query.filter) or contact dkd to update Nutch to 
add the endtime field.


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2, Admin Google Summer of Code

TYPO3 - Open Source Enterprise Content Management System

Apache Solr for TYPO3 -
Open Source Enterprise Search meets Open Source Enterprise CMS

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