[TYPO3-Solr] [OT] Re: Can't index page content delivered from plugin

Hauke Meyer meyer at visionconnect.de
Fri Dec 21 10:43:38 CET 2012

If I use mailing lists for business I used to use my business address
too (sometimes).
The main problem here: This autoresponder do not memorize to whom it
send its important messages before.

To make it hard:
If you use your email address in Germany for business _and_ private the
private, the data protection law say "nobody else in the company is
allowed to read and answer to the email". So you are forced to use
vacation reminders like this one. And for a lot of people this rules are
new. As for me I am in a process of cleaning my mailinglists in order to
give my sieve filter something to eat.

But over all, you're right ;-) and this is just smalltalk.

Am 21.12.2012 09:23, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> I wonder why would somebody set up an autoresponder for the address
> subscribed to a mailing list... To annoy others?
> c.bleicher at die-lobby.de wrote:
>> Vielen Dank für Ihre Email. Ich bin bis einschließlich 16.12.2012 
>> außer Haus.
>> In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen Herrn
>> Streibl unter der Nummer 0941/6464494-0 oder Email
>> anm.streibl at die-lobby.de.
>> Ansonsten werde ich Sie kontaktieren, wenn ich wieder zurück bin.

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