[TYPO3-Solr] tt_news index results only in one core, not in all cores

Thomas Schneider ts at betternet.de
Wed Aug 8 13:00:52 CEST 2012

Am 21.07.2012 15:13, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:

> If the problem is in the Solr extension you can debug by installing the
> devlog extension, run the scheduler task and watch the entries in the
> developer log. The solr extension will log all indexing actions,
> responses from solr server, etc. Also errors can be found there.


devlog reports nothing when indexing tt_news. The scheduler job starts 
and then ends up "page was not accessible", indexed 0%.

when indexing pages, devlog reports a PHP warning:

file_get_contents(URL): failed to open stream: Connection timed out in 
line 133file

and counts up the failures, indexed stays at 0%.

What else could we do? DB is up to date, truncated index_item table, 
reinitialize it, again and again - nothing helped.

we are on solr v2.2.2 now, Typo3 4.5.17


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