[TYPO3-Solr] Solr tt_news with multiple detailpages

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Wed Aug 8 11:51:12 CEST 2012

Am 06.08.12 11:31, schrieb Marieke de Bruin:

Hi Marieke,

> I can't get tt_news to get indexed with multiple detail pages.
> When I use the example (solr - static - examples - indexqueue-ttnews) this
> isn't working at all.
> I've tried to change url { typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
> in the pageid's from the pages, comma separated, but it only gets the first
> one.

since typolink.parameter supports stdWrap the easiest way would be to 
use something like this:

typolink.parameter.cObject = CASE
typolink.parameter.cObject {

	key.field = pid # or whatever helps you to distinguish what news to 
show where

	storagePidA = TEXT
	storagePidA.value = singleViewPidA

	storagePidB = TEXT
	storagePidB.value = singleViewPidB



Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2, Admin Google Summer of Code

TYPO3 - Open Source Enterprise Content Management System

Apache Solr for TYPO3 -
Open Source Enterprise Search meets Open Source Enterprise CMS

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