[TYPO3-Solr] Initialize Index Queue Error

raka raka86 at gmx.de
Wed Apr 18 16:25:34 CEST 2012

Am 17.04.2012 21:06, schrieb Ingo Renner:
> did you update the DB, try initializing the Solr connections?

Solr connections are fine.

What exactly do you mean with DB update?
The update on the first extension installation (add tables 
'tx_solr_indexqueue_item' and 'tx_solr_indexqueue_indexing_property')? 
They exist.

I forgot to mention that the strange thing is that I don't get this 
error everytime I try to initialize. Sometimes I get this error, 
sometimes I do not.
For example yesterday I tried and tried and always got this error. Today 
everything is fine.
Can't figure out what the crucial point is.


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