[TYPO3-Solr] indexing tt_news / sys folder outside of root

Stefan Franke stefan.franke at gmx.co.uk
Mon Apr 16 16:45:48 CEST 2012

I'm trying to index tt_news articles. Is there a way to index tt_news records and have the sys folder reside outside of the root pid? (I have read that it is impossible here, though there was a hint that I might work somehow: http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-project-solr/2011-April/000302.html)

My page tree structure looks like this:

|--site1 (this site should be indexed)
|--site3 (this site must not be indexed)
|--SYS-FOLDER: tt_news records

I am using the Solr Ext Version 2.1, TYPO3: 4.5.14.

Thanks for your help!


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