[TYPO3-Solr] Solr server connection issue

Shanmugarajan K shanmugarajan.k at tcs.com
Thu Jul 21 16:45:41 CEST 2011

Hello Olivier, 

Thanks for your hint. But still i am getting same error. 

Btw, i am working on my local windows system. Will this setup will cause 
this issue? 

also, could be tell me..in your typoscript,  "your_core_for_GB/"  will 
needs to point to webapps folder in Tomcat?
which needs to have the following folders?



if so every language we need to create the new  webapp..? sorry if i am 

Then what about we need to have multiple website indexed data? how to 
handle that?  Could you please help me for this? 

Thanks & regards 

Olivier Dobberkau <olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de>
typo3-project-solr at lists.typo3.org
07/21/2011 04:23 PM
Re: [TYPO3-Solr] Solr server connection issue
Sent by:
typo3-project-solr-bounces at lists.typo3.org

Am 21.07.11 12:21, schrieb Shanmugarajan K:

> If so can you provide some sample.

This might help


plugin.tx_solr.solr.host = localhost
plugin.tx_solr.solr.port = 8180

plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/your_core_for_DE/

[globalVar = GP:L = 1]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/your_core_for_GB/

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