[TYPO3-Solr] Manipulate result link

Claus Fassing claus at fassing.eu
Fri Jul 8 08:14:51 CEST 2011

Hello solr community,

atm I setup an early access version for a customer. For the first this
will be just an alternate for indexed search. The next part is to index
an pdf file archive and for this I have to manipulate the result link.
If I'm right, the default behaviour is just a link to the pdf file, right ?
I would like to manipulate this link to direct to another page where a
plugin is waiting on. This is a pdf viewer plugin. I guess I need two
things. Manipulate the link to get redirection and the second is, append
some further get parameter to the link.

Is this understandable and if, is it possible to do ?

Greetz Claus

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