[TYPO3-Solr] Using pages as facet options

Andreas Schütte schuette at naw.info
Thu Dec 22 18:41:23 CET 2011

Hello list,

i am trying to use specific pages as facet options, so that every 
subpage is assigned to the corresponding option.

What i am doing at the moment is, adding a dynamic field with 
pageUidToHierarchy as fieldProcessingInstructions. Thus getting an entry 
for each level in the rootline and every entry being rendered as a facet 
option. But i only need the entry that points to the page i want to use 
as an option.

Is there any way to configure which entries should be used as facet 
options so the solr extension doesn't render every entry it finds in the 
given field. Or maybe my approach to this is totally wrong.


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