[TYPO3-Solr] Doesn't autosuggest respect stop words?

Hauke Meyer meyer at visionconnect.de
Mon Dec 19 15:35:59 CET 2011


yes I know this was a "used" subject.


> I looked at the site http://www.sebassetmanagement.de/de/ to test the features autosuggest and stopwords. I am just wondering why the word "und" get 206 suggestions and when I start the search there are no results. Is there a bug? 
> at that site we're using the spellchecker field for suggestions (also 
> the default in trunk/on forge). That field however does not have the 
> stopword filter applied.
> Seems we eventually need to define a dedicated field for auto suggestions...
> best
> Ingo

status: dev 2.0 (forge/svn version)

Is there any plan to change this behavior or did I miss something? After
all it looks really like a (small) bug. In your own implementation on
your website you don't use any stopwords at all.

When I configure the stopwords in the solr-core I can do this for index
and query. My expectation would be not to find the stopword inside the
index at all. But it does not look like this.

Keep on

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