[TYPO3-Solr] tx_solr.index.files.allowedTypes not implemented?

Peter Kraume peter.kraume at gmx.de
Fri Dec 2 20:47:23 CET 2011

Am 02.12.11 18:28, schrieb Olivier Dobberkau:
> Am 02.12.11 18:03, schrieb Peter Kraume:
>> I'm using the latest EAP version (SVN trunk).
> OK. You have us. We reserved an options in ts and the function is not
> there yet. I will file a task on forge for it.
> Sorry for confusing you.
> Olivier

Hi Olivier,

thx for takeing care so fast!
Is it possible to speed this feature up a little bit? We would need it 
quite fast (within 2 weeks if possible).


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